Senin, 31 Mei 2010
Minggu, 30 Mei 2010
"...Star differs from star in glory..."

(Vincent Van Gogh, "Starry Night over the Rhone," 1888)
I Corinthians 15:40-44:
"There are both heavenly bodies and earthly bodies, but the glory of the heavenly is one thing, and that of the earthly is another. There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars; indeed, star differs from star in glory. So it is with the resurrection of the dead. What is sown is perishable, what is raised is imperishable. It is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness, it is raised in power. It is sown a physical body, it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a physical body, there is also a spiritual body."
I had a magnificent set of evenings over Memorial Day weekend sitting out among the moon and the stars--even sleeping out all night in my yard one night, it was so glorious--and seeing the lightning bugs begin their summer debut for the season. It was simply a magnificent weekend to be a speck in God's Universe. The sheer size and awesome timelessness of the "big" things in nature--the sky, the stars, the ocean, just to name a few--have always been the major spiritual grounding rods for me, my entire life. People just don't do it for me the way nature does.
I looked at the stars these last few nights and pondered the paradoxical dance that "people" seem to occupy in my existence, thinking how each star, in its own way, is its own "person." How like the stars in the sky, we are called to community, and how each of us in our own way feels called to individuals in that community. Yet for me, the paradox has always been nothing gets my goat like people sometimes. I can only handle people for so long, and then that secular monastic in me takes over and I retreat to my safe hermitage of my country life. There is my daily retreat from work, as well as "add on" forms like my occasional "silent Saturday morning," and my "stay-cation retreats where I never leave home." Yet I never feel "un-called" to be a part of a community. When I am home alone, after a certain amount of time enjoying my alone-ness, I think of what it is I am supposed to "do next" when I enter back into community. When I am in that community, after a while I start daydreaming of what I want to do next in my "alone time." Each needs the other, and truthfully, each feeds the other.
On one of those nights, I sat out and thought about different people with each star--what they were experiencing in their lives, and how it is that I am supposed to combine with them to light up the sky, yet maintain my own individual "star-ness." Each one of us with the incarnational light of God within us, but manifested in so many unique ways.
There seem to be at least three kinds of stars in my life experience. Most valued are the "stars I can always see"--for instance, in the winter, I can always find the constellation Orion, and in the summer I can always fix my gaze on Scorpio. They are like the people in my life who have now been my friends for three decades or more. How we relate to each other has changed drastically over the years--sometimes not even close to the roles in which our relationships started out--but we somehow can always adjust. Sometimes their light is very intense and intimate in my life, and vice versa; other times, the light is dimmer. But they are constants. They are appreciated for both their longevity and their versatility.
Then there are the stars that once were a major focus, but I now no longer pay much attention to. I really don't pay much attention to the Big Dipper, the Little Dipper, or the North Star itself, per se. But there was a time I always looked for them. They are like the people who were once very involved and intimate in my life--old lovers, intense best friends, etc.--and somehow no longer figure much into the tapestry other than to be a thread once cherished, but no longer. Some of these fizzled out in a supernova of conflict, whereas others just sort of atrophied and slowly burned to extinction. Sometimes their light returns--but it is almost never of the same intensity that it once was, nor does my need to tend to that light return with the same intensity. I appreciate those stars for the history they have given me, even if it includes hard lessons.
Finally, there are the stars I just got around to noticing, like the time I first recognized all of Ursa Major, rather than just its "dipper." The first time I realized the dipper could be converted to a bear, it was an exciting time. It made the sky seem a little bigger than it used to be. I think about the gifts and talents in people I just now got around to appreciating in people who have been around me all along, or about the new people that come into my life over the years, and something about them challenge me to tend their light and let them tend mine. I appreciate those stars because they represent hope and promise.
Even the stars are perishable--which enhances my knowledge that people are perishable. It makes me understand the urgency of the Gospel of Mark, and in Paul's letters. If even stars are perishable, then people definitely are. Yet timelessness and infinity rides within all of them. What a beautiful, but messy, dance it all is!
"...Star differs from star in glory..."

(Vincent Van Gogh, "Starry Night over the Rhone," 1888)
I Corinthians 15:40-44:
"There are both heavenly bodies and earthly bodies, but the glory of the heavenly is one thing, and that of the earthly is another. There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars; indeed, star differs from star in glory. So it is with the resurrection of the dead. What is sown is perishable, what is raised is imperishable. It is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness, it is raised in power. It is sown a physical body, it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a physical body, there is also a spiritual body."
I had a magnificent set of evenings over Memorial Day weekend sitting out among the moon and the stars--even sleeping out all night in my yard one night, it was so glorious--and seeing the lightning bugs begin their summer debut for the season. It was simply a magnificent weekend to be a speck in God's Universe. The sheer size and awesome timelessness of the "big" things in nature--the sky, the stars, the ocean, just to name a few--have always been the major spiritual grounding rods for me, my entire life. People just don't do it for me the way nature does.
I looked at the stars these last few nights and pondered the paradoxical dance that "people" seem to occupy in my existence, thinking how each star, in its own way, is its own "person." How like the stars in the sky, we are called to community, and how each of us in our own way feels called to individuals in that community. Yet for me, the paradox has always been nothing gets my goat like people sometimes. I can only handle people for so long, and then that secular monastic in me takes over and I retreat to my safe hermitage of my country life. There is my daily retreat from work, as well as "add on" forms like my occasional "silent Saturday morning," and my "stay-cation retreats where I never leave home." Yet I never feel "un-called" to be a part of a community. When I am home alone, after a certain amount of time enjoying my alone-ness, I think of what it is I am supposed to "do next" when I enter back into community. When I am in that community, after a while I start daydreaming of what I want to do next in my "alone time." Each needs the other, and truthfully, each feeds the other.
On one of those nights, I sat out and thought about different people with each star--what they were experiencing in their lives, and how it is that I am supposed to combine with them to light up the sky, yet maintain my own individual "star-ness." Each one of us with the incarnational light of God within us, but manifested in so many unique ways.
There seem to be at least three kinds of stars in my life experience. Most valued are the "stars I can always see"--for instance, in the winter, I can always find the constellation Orion, and in the summer I can always fix my gaze on Scorpio. They are like the people in my life who have now been my friends for three decades or more. How we relate to each other has changed drastically over the years--sometimes not even close to the roles in which our relationships started out--but we somehow can always adjust. Sometimes their light is very intense and intimate in my life, and vice versa; other times, the light is dimmer. But they are constants. They are appreciated for both their longevity and their versatility.
Then there are the stars that once were a major focus, but I now no longer pay much attention to. I really don't pay much attention to the Big Dipper, the Little Dipper, or the North Star itself, per se. But there was a time I always looked for them. They are like the people who were once very involved and intimate in my life--old lovers, intense best friends, etc.--and somehow no longer figure much into the tapestry other than to be a thread once cherished, but no longer. Some of these fizzled out in a supernova of conflict, whereas others just sort of atrophied and slowly burned to extinction. Sometimes their light returns--but it is almost never of the same intensity that it once was, nor does my need to tend to that light return with the same intensity. I appreciate those stars for the history they have given me, even if it includes hard lessons.
Finally, there are the stars I just got around to noticing, like the time I first recognized all of Ursa Major, rather than just its "dipper." The first time I realized the dipper could be converted to a bear, it was an exciting time. It made the sky seem a little bigger than it used to be. I think about the gifts and talents in people I just now got around to appreciating in people who have been around me all along, or about the new people that come into my life over the years, and something about them challenge me to tend their light and let them tend mine. I appreciate those stars because they represent hope and promise.
Even the stars are perishable--which enhances my knowledge that people are perishable. It makes me understand the urgency of the Gospel of Mark, and in Paul's letters. If even stars are perishable, then people definitely are. Yet timelessness and infinity rides within all of them. What a beautiful, but messy, dance it all is!
best wolf tattoo design ideas

Jumat, 28 Mei 2010
That Mysterious Critter called the Trinity

In that odd way that only people who have worked around a hospital can appreciate, I have found the fact that Trinity Sunday coinciding with Memorial Day Weekend (Or, as I like to call it, "Opening day of major trauma season,")--rather amusing.
I've got a confession. I find thinking about the Trinity too long, rather traumatic. My clergy Facebook friends find preaching about the Trinity on Trinity Sunday rather traumatic. Most of them refer in some way that it is a week where they feel compelled to teach those in the pews about the Trinity, and have to admit they really don't understand much about the Trinity.
Now, I can handle the diagram above. It's pretty straightforward and simple. I recognize God is in all three entities, and each of the three entities are not in each other--well...sorta. One person told me in a recent discussion, "I know I'm not my brother and I know I'm not my sister, but the family DNA is in all of us." That is kind of what the diagram parallels. I agree with all of that. But that's where it ends.
Here's my heresy...
I have this nagging feeling that the Trinity is a representational being--like the wave or particle theory of light. Although I would be the first to tell you that the Trinity and the statements in the Nicene Creed (well, except for that add-on about proceeding from the Father AND the Son--the Son half of the filioque was tacked on later to the Creed) are "true," I would tell you I think the reality lies behind the Trinity, and the Trinity is what we use to explain what is actually a single entity made of infinite parts.
For instance...
Light, in some ways, behaves like a wave. In other ways, it behaves like a particle. Odds on, it's something that is neither or both a wave or a particle. But we can function in our world, make great discoveries and inventions involving the spectrum of light, by acting like it is a wave when it's useful and convenient, and acting like it's a particle when it's useful and convenient. The fact that it probably is NOT exactly what we theorize it to be isn't relevant. We don't sit and bemoan that it's not "true." Truth is perception, more than anything.
But the fact that the Hebrew Bible has between 40 and 70 words (depending on which rabbi you consult) that describe one aspect of what Christians attribute to a function of the Holy Spirit, or God the Father, or the Messiah, makes me suspicious that the Trinity is to Christian thought what the wave or particle theory is to light--a representation we can wrap our brains around, at least to a basic degree, that allow us to be connected relationally to God, and not just function in that world, but imagine, invent, and share with others in community.
Did you ever notice humans, by and large, no matter what their culture, like "threes?" We like to think bad news comes in threes. We tend to use threes in literature, in our phraseology. Many things in science, if you repeat them three times, creates a greater than two standard deviations level of confidence, statistically. We tend to only start to "get" things after the third time we've experienced something. We say, "three's a charm." I used to think that was a function of Judeo-Christian culture, until I learned that many other religions--Hinduism, Buddhism, Paganism, ancient Celtic religion, ancient Norse religion, etc.--also have many examples of the significance of the number three.
My theory--and that's all it is--is that for some reason, humans brains are hard-wired to be ok with three. Maybe it is because it's simply one more than what we can grasp in our own two hands. It's manageable. So when the Trinity was being "figured out," people like the folks who came up with the Nicene Creed sat there pondering this God with infinite faces and forms, and gravitated to explaining it in an iconic representation that is the default human level of understanding--three.
So for me, the Trinity is simply a three-pronged representation of an infinite concept--and here is where some people are going to shove me into the Express Lane to Hell for saying this, but I'm going to say it anyway--the Trinity seems to me to be more of a functional theory than an actual fact. There is truth in it, but the truth actually lies BEHIND it, not IN it, and I am willing to accept the "model" because it allows me to function in my world of "understanding my relationship with God." To accept the Trinity as "truth" also means I must accept the mystery that it is a representation of a bigger reality that I cannot possibly understand.
It's why I don't trust anyone who claims he/she can "explain" the Trinity to me. I think part of accepting the truth of the Trinity is to also accept that my brain, in my living human form, cannot possibly understand it, but I can understand enough of it to function as one of God's children within the confines of what it represents. To say "I believe in the Trinity"--to say the Nicene Creed and mean what I say--means I believe the reality it represents is only fully fathomable in the next world.
I'll be honest--this is a hard realization for me. I like to think I'm smart enough to "figure most everything out." But to accept that I cannot possibly figure this one out, is to accept another part of my life as a child of God--faith. Faith that this representation can take me everywhere I need to go, to live in service to God--and in that, I believe.
That Mysterious Critter called the Trinity

In that odd way that only people who have worked around a hospital can appreciate, I have found the fact that Trinity Sunday coinciding with Memorial Day Weekend (Or, as I like to call it, "Opening day of major trauma season,")--rather amusing.
I've got a confession. I find thinking about the Trinity too long, rather traumatic. My clergy Facebook friends find preaching about the Trinity on Trinity Sunday rather traumatic. Most of them refer in some way that it is a week where they feel compelled to teach those in the pews about the Trinity, and have to admit they really don't understand much about the Trinity.
Now, I can handle the diagram above. It's pretty straightforward and simple. I recognize God is in all three entities, and each of the three entities are not in each other--well...sorta. One person told me in a recent discussion, "I know I'm not my brother and I know I'm not my sister, but the family DNA is in all of us." That is kind of what the diagram parallels. I agree with all of that. But that's where it ends.
Here's my heresy...
I have this nagging feeling that the Trinity is a representational being--like the wave or particle theory of light. Although I would be the first to tell you that the Trinity and the statements in the Nicene Creed (well, except for that add-on about proceeding from the Father AND the Son--the Son half of the filioque was tacked on later to the Creed) are "true," I would tell you I think the reality lies behind the Trinity, and the Trinity is what we use to explain what is actually a single entity made of infinite parts.
For instance...
Light, in some ways, behaves like a wave. In other ways, it behaves like a particle. Odds on, it's something that is neither or both a wave or a particle. But we can function in our world, make great discoveries and inventions involving the spectrum of light, by acting like it is a wave when it's useful and convenient, and acting like it's a particle when it's useful and convenient. The fact that it probably is NOT exactly what we theorize it to be isn't relevant. We don't sit and bemoan that it's not "true." Truth is perception, more than anything.
But the fact that the Hebrew Bible has between 40 and 70 words (depending on which rabbi you consult) that describe one aspect of what Christians attribute to a function of the Holy Spirit, or God the Father, or the Messiah, makes me suspicious that the Trinity is to Christian thought what the wave or particle theory is to light--a representation we can wrap our brains around, at least to a basic degree, that allow us to be connected relationally to God, and not just function in that world, but imagine, invent, and share with others in community.
Did you ever notice humans, by and large, no matter what their culture, like "threes?" We like to think bad news comes in threes. We tend to use threes in literature, in our phraseology. Many things in science, if you repeat them three times, creates a greater than two standard deviations level of confidence, statistically. We tend to only start to "get" things after the third time we've experienced something. We say, "three's a charm." I used to think that was a function of Judeo-Christian culture, until I learned that many other religions--Hinduism, Buddhism, Paganism, ancient Celtic religion, ancient Norse religion, etc.--also have many examples of the significance of the number three.
My theory--and that's all it is--is that for some reason, humans brains are hard-wired to be ok with three. Maybe it is because it's simply one more than what we can grasp in our own two hands. It's manageable. So when the Trinity was being "figured out," people like the folks who came up with the Nicene Creed sat there pondering this God with infinite faces and forms, and gravitated to explaining it in an iconic representation that is the default human level of understanding--three.
So for me, the Trinity is simply a three-pronged representation of an infinite concept--and here is where some people are going to shove me into the Express Lane to Hell for saying this, but I'm going to say it anyway--the Trinity seems to me to be more of a functional theory than an actual fact. There is truth in it, but the truth actually lies BEHIND it, not IN it, and I am willing to accept the "model" because it allows me to function in my world of "understanding my relationship with God." To accept the Trinity as "truth" also means I must accept the mystery that it is a representation of a bigger reality that I cannot possibly understand.
It's why I don't trust anyone who claims he/she can "explain" the Trinity to me. I think part of accepting the truth of the Trinity is to also accept that my brain, in my living human form, cannot possibly understand it, but I can understand enough of it to function as one of God's children within the confines of what it represents. To say "I believe in the Trinity"--to say the Nicene Creed and mean what I say--means I believe the reality it represents is only fully fathomable in the next world.
I'll be honest--this is a hard realization for me. I like to think I'm smart enough to "figure most everything out." But to accept that I cannot possibly figure this one out, is to accept another part of my life as a child of God--faith. Faith that this representation can take me everywhere I need to go, to live in service to God--and in that, I believe.
Rabu, 26 Mei 2010
Most Popular Celtic Knot Designs

Celtic Cross – It’s a Celtic tattoo design that depicts an encircled cross with intriguing know work. It is considered to be a combination of the Christian cross and the sun. A simple yet appealing design, it is often preferred by people who want to show their religious faiths through an art form.
Celtic Knots – They include intricate knot patterns that are looped and intertwined. The knots depicted have no starting and ending point and are hence associated with the permanent continuum of life, love and spiritual growth
Celtic Trinity Knot – It is a tattoo design that holds very strong meaning. In Christianity, the three knots in the design indicate the father, the son and the Holy Spirit. It is also associated with pagan culture where three knots are associated with mother, crone, and maiden.
There are several other Celtic tattoo designs that have different shapes and meanings relevant to their forms. Some of the Celtic tattoo forms include animals (also known as zoomorphism), stars, heart and many more.
No matter which Celtic tattoo form you go for, make sure you get it right. Whether it is for religious reasons or to show the pride of your heritage, a Celtic tattoo is a symbol of honor and so go for the pattern that you believe in.
Celtic tattoo designs are beautiful and appealing patterns that hold powerful relevance. Presented in different forms, these tattoos have been in existence since ages and their popularity never seem to fade away.
For all the tattoo enthusiasts who prefer intricate tattoo patterns with meaningful significance, Celtic tattoo designs are the best option. However, before you get a Celtic tattoo inked, you must understand the difference between the Celtic designs and tribal designs.
Often people think that Celtic tattoos and tribal tattoos are same but in reality it is not so. The artwork of Celtic tattoos depicts ‘never-ending’ knots that are often associated with eternity, infinity and omnipresence. Atribal tattoo design may not always depict such knot works. Moreover, though both types of tattoo patterns are derived from the ancient artworks their origin differs. While tribal tattoos come from different tribal symbols and cultures, Celtic tattoos are derived specifically inspired from ancient Celtic manuscripts.
If you plan to go for an authentic Celtic design, then you must be aware of the interlacing and never-ending artworks of the tattoo. Also make sure that the artist you choose is the one who specializes in Celtic art tattoos and is well-aware of all the intricacies involved in this artwork. Any minor flaw in the pattern will not only rob the design of its authenticity but also make it meaningless.
Most Popular Celtic Knot Designs
Celtic Cross – It’s a Celtic tattoo design that depicts an encircled cross with intriguing know work. It is considered to be a combination of the Christian cross and the sun. A simple yet appealing design, it is often preferred by people who want to show their religious faiths through an art form.
Celtic Knots – They include intricate knot patterns that are looped and intertwined. The knots depicted have no starting and ending point and are hence associated with the permanent continuum of life, love and spiritual growth
Celtic Trinity Knot – It is a tattoo design that holds very strong meaning. In Christianity, the three knots in the design indicate the father, the son and the Holy Spirit. It is also associated with pagan culture where three knots are associatedwith mother, crone, and maiden.
There are several other Celtic tattoo designs that have different shapes and meanings relevant to their forms. Some of the Celtic tattoo forms include animals (also known as zoomorphism), stars, heart and many more.
No matter which Celtic tattoo form you go for, make sure you get it right. Whether it is for religious reasons or to show the pride of your heritage, a Celtic tattoo is a symbol of honor and so go for the pattern that you believe in.
Sexy Tattoo Designs For Women

During the early days, tattoos used to be for men only as bikers, prisoner and sailors were among the first ones who were tattooed. Nowadays, it has gone mainstream and the number of women sporting tats seem to equal that of men. The female population get tattoos for various reasons - to express themselves, to honor a loved one, to go with the trend and to be sexy.
Finding tattoo designs is one challenge that every woman face during her tattoo journey. With all the choices available, it can sometimes be confusing how and where to start. One very reliable place to go to is the library where you can find all kinds of books with pictures to serve as inspiration for tattoo designs. If one is aiming at flower tattoos, there are lots of colorful and high quality pictures with all kinds of flowers that can be borrowed and shown to the tattoo artist. There are also all sorts of magazines and coffee book tables about tattoos that can be found in the library.
Tattoos are the best choice for you

Butterflies tattoos are popular tattoo patterns that are highly alluring and versatile. Highly popular as lower back tattoo amongst women, these tattoo designs can be presented in variety of interesting ways. Just as no two butterflies Butterflies Tattoos are the similar, no two butterfly tattoos are the same either. There are more than 300 species of butterflies and hence there are always wide options for creating unique butterflies’ tattoos. While some may prefer to go for a pattern inspired from a real butterfly, there are others who opt for imaginative and fancy butterfly designs.
Charming Tattoos

If you are looking for tattoo designs that represent feminine beauty and positive change, then butterflies tattoos are the best choice for you. Know more about these tattoo designs from this article.
Butterflies tattoos are popular tattoo patterns that are highly alluring and versatile. Highly popular as lower back tattoo amongst women, these tattoo designs can be presented in variety of interesting ways. Just as no two butterflies Butterflies Tattoos are the similar, no two butterfly tattoos are the same either. There are more than 300 species of butterflies and hence there are always wide options for creating unique butterflies’ tattoos. While some may prefer to go for a pattern inspired from a real butterfly, there are others who opt for imaginative and fancy butterfly designs.
Lower Back Tattoo

A tattoo is in reality any permanent design or mark applied on a good portion of the skin. It is wrapped up either by the pricking method or applying indelibly to the pigment by expanding scars. Placing a tattoo on a side of a person depends on the whims and desires of the person. Some have a tendency to get a tattoo design on the arms, belly, behind the neck, chest or continuing to in such a private parts. Lower returning tattoo, now-days have a true big place in the minds of both man and woman.

Lower Back TattooHints or refection of promiscuity and lust can only be discovered in ebbed going back tattoos for a woman who holds it. Though the traditions of putting tattoos undergo been heard employed all more than the universe for various reasons, but the tattoos is a rather current in the proclivity within the duration of recent cultures. The history at the returning these kinds of tattoos are only as fascinating as how women’s bid to play to opposite many messages has been heard personal within the duration of the out of the majority of years.

Such tattoos are sexy, classy and hot. Lower returning tattoos outstandingly be on the look sizzling in the feminine body, the appealing curves and outline of the female proportions, all end up with the impression to touch of seductiveness. These days a multitude of stars and celebrities too experience substantiated the interests for the tattoos. Anna Kournikova (famous tennis player) holds a considerable star tattoo design on this kind of area. Likewise, Pamela Anderson is at last found proudly displaying her tribal tattoo. Angelina Jolie and Julia Roberts too own as well added themselves in currently category of going through tattoos.

Get suggestions from what i read in friends, pals Lower Back Tattooor family who has entertained themselves with this kind of tattoos on a expert or a tattoo parlor such a properties visited and preferred. On the date of your appointment (after taking out one), be certain to desist based on data from caffeine as once rendering it you is able to have a tendency to become unsteady. Presuming overly the piercing technique might make pain and diminish you much, do not take alcohol, when in numerous of the tattoo parlors, the designers do not prefer, to hard work among intoxicated clients. Try to go for loose fitting shorts or casuals quite as opposed to jeans as such a ought to assist the specialists to acquire the decreases coming back tattoo design a large amount of easily. Follow the instructions once these types of tattoo building process is over. After a few days, the bright check of the tattoo along through your idea behind it is planning to draw the interest of the one you treatment for.
Daisy Tattoos

There is no certain proper hard and fast rule as to where one can have a tattoo scribbled or placed. This is because it is just a way we try to feel good with the various colors designs and pattern of a tattoo art. Same is the case when it comes for thedaisy tattoos . It is just the feel good factor one has in mind before placing one on their body so they tend to have it on any place of their body where according to them holds the best to make a statement and also look exotic. Such a place basically for a girl, lady or an elderly woman can be on the lower back, neck, shoulder, wrist, fist, angle, thighs, private parts or Daisy Tattooseven on the belly button.
Expressions are decoded and deciphered using such daisy tattoos. Soft and touching nature of a woman can easily be portrayed and revealed if an individual carefully observes on the patterns of such atattoo design . The petals of the daisy flower can be made look more realistic and prominent with sharp edges filled with exotic and bright colors. These can make one get to the feeling of creativity if she has a desire to make a statement of her behavior and attitude with honest true sense. It is not that they can have just one of this daisy imprinted on them but can go for a bunch of the same to attract the attention of the people passing by. She can be the cynosure for a moment even which such cool and soft designs which have never faded with time and tide.
Dragon Tattoos Be a Part of Your

The Eastern Asian traditions include the making of dragon tattoos especially on the backs and arms of the men and women. Originating in the martial arts practices, there are several Japanese, Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese tattoo designs which cater to the interests of the people. These tattoos have now slowly started making movements towards the West where they are being used as symbols of power and individuality. The tattoos look very striking and are made in a variety of colors which look very colorful. Although they are used mostly by men, some women also like to project their power of personality by inking themselves with a dragon tattoo.
Dragon TattoosEven though the origin of the dragon tattoos can be traced back to the East, a number of tattoo types are now being integrated with them by the people of the West. You can find dragons in every form of tattoo including the flower tattoo designs too. Some Celtic crosses also have dragons wrapped around them. By doing this, the tattoo artist tries to create a different and lasting impression in the minds of the onlooker. The tattoo becomes really unique and becomes a part of the personality of the wearer.
Star Tattoo Designs

If you are beginner and want to go for a tattoo, then try out star tattoo designs. These are smaller designs that can be easily done without involving much pain. Well, there are several other factors that make star tattoos worth a try.
Often associated with hopes, dreams and lofty ambitions, star tattoo designs have always been the highly demanded tattoo patterns in the tattoo world. It is one of the tattoo designs that have been in existence since ages and is still not losing its charm and sheen. There are scores of tattoo enthusiasts, including beginners who opt for star tattoo Star Tattoo Designs designs. There are several reasons that make star tattoos the most preferred choice of many tattoo patrons. Following are some of the reasons that go in favor of star tattoos:
Unisex design- Star tattoo designs are unisex patterns that can be worn by both sexes. Often there are several tattoo designs that are gender specific like fairy tattoos are mostly inked by women and tiger tattoos by men. But there is no gender distinction in case of star tattoos. Anybody irrespective of their sex and age can get it done.
Selasa, 25 Mei 2010
Commercial Sniping - In a few steps
Anyhow, I just thought I'd post a few shots in progress of my process for creating this piece to accompany the ScreenCast I recorded of the illustration (which you can see on youtube at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojPjantpr5Q )
Step 1 - Initial concept thumbnail.

Step 2 - Defining the Character

Step 3 - Colour Flats

em on independent layers to give me greatest flexibility later on.
In addition I paint in a rough background to link it together and in preparation for choice of light direction.
Step 4 - Airbrushing

g depth to the illustration.
Step 5 - Background

I now decide its time to build up the background and I virtually spin it around and paint it in reverse to the original concept. Again using the pen tool to build the basic structures and then an airbrush to lay colour and light direction down fast before using a more hard edged brush to add some texture. I also work in some accessories such as the goggles on the helmet, the drink, dossier, bino's and ammo tin.
Step 6 - Fine details/finishing touches
Acquire, Aim, Squeeze, Kill, Mojito to go!